HOSTED IN FRANCE ( Roubaix )There are no donations. We will never ask for your money, nor offer VIP, ROPs or Cash Shop systems.
Since we dislike many of the changes that came with Renewal, we'll stick to the developments of the Classic iRO server, starting from the origins, and have the world of Rune-Midgard evolve bit by bit.
We have some custom features, such as a Master Login System and a set of gorgeous palettes and hairstyles added to the official ones.
We offer Mac, Windows and Linux support.
Commandes disponibles
NPCs disponibles
- Job Changer
- Healer
- Healer + Buffs
- Warper > Ville
- Warper > Donjon
- Warper > Donjon Nv.
- Annonceur
- Styliste
- Reset Stats
- Reset Skills
- Card Remover
- Platinum Skills
- PVP Room
- MVP Room
- DB Room
- Battleground
- Evenements Automatique
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